Online Courses, Books, and Webinars

Please visit to browse my online courses, webinars, and online learning.

These online courses have been put together by me, a Certified Canine Behaviourist, to help you on your coaching or training journey with your dog, to help you understand more about your dog, improve your bond with them and impact their wellbeing in a positive way. New courses are being added regularly.

All content is delivered in a user-friendly way (you don’t need to be a dog expert to understand it), put together based on my many years of experience of working with dogs, as well as my knowledge and understanding of canine ethology, canine psychology, and behavioural understanding.

Courses/webinars start from as little as £19. There is also a free course relating to rescue dogs.

Books – available on Amazon

Empowering Your Dog Through Choice. The essential guide to understanding the “why” behind your dog’s behaviour, and a must read for everyone living with dogs. Recommended by many trainers and behaviourists.

Dogs Can Talk! An interactive, engaging storybook aimed at preschoolers and primary school age children, and their families or carers, to learn about dog body language.

Dogs Can Talk! includes colourful illustrations, helpful notes for parents and carers, plus activities and conversation starters for adults caring for young children. This book is a fun and educational read for the whole family.

An essential and enjoyable read for any families spending time around dogs. Understanding dog body language contributes to bite prevention.